Event Guest List
Please prepare your lists legibly by using the font size 12 or 14. Double check the spelling to ensure names are written correctly.
**Please refer to this format as follows if you are requesting outer envelopes to be addressed.**
Outer Addressed Envelope
Mr. and Mrs. William Smith
456 Memory Lane
Columbia, South Carolina 29203
Format Example:
Mr. and Mrs. First Name, Last Name
Street Address
Apt.# or Suite # City, State Zip code
**Refer to this format if you are requesting both Inner and Outer Envelopes to be addressed.**
Inner and Outer Addressed Envelope
Mr. and Mrs. William Smith
456 Memory Lane
Columbia, South Carolina 29203
William and Patricia Smith (Inside envelope)
Format Example:
Mr. and Mrs. First Name, Last Name
Street Address
Apt.# or Suite City, State Zip code
First Name Last Name (Inside Envelope)
Return Address
Mr. and Mrs. John Doe
123 Rocking Robin Avenue
Suite 111
Charlotte, North Carolina 28205
Format Example:
Mr. and Mrs, First name, Last Name
Street Address
Apt.# or Suite #
City, State Zip code
All lists should be sent via email to wrightnelegance@gmail.com or mail to Wright-N-Elegance, P.O. Box 42971, Charlotte, NC 28215.
A 20% overage is recommended for envelopes and place cards to allow for changes and additions. Typically allow up to 3-5 weeks for product to be returned to you, depending on amount.